And it's my new obsession: reflective self-portraits in CTA bus shelters with ads that seem particularly ironic if you see my splint and/or cane in the photo. Legs, bicycling, hope...
If those are too depressing, how about this?
Photos taken Sunday June 29-Thursday July 3 in various neighborhoods. (None posted to Flickr yet!) Ads are for: iPod, Bikes Belong campaign (note the "lovely legs"--uh, I actually think it's kind of weird to encourage bike riding among women in the city by reminding them that guys will stare at their legs), "The Cleaner" TV show, U.S. Cellular? I think. And the happy car is in front of the Jewel around Roosevelt and State.
I'm not sure I like the tone of that Bikes Belong ad.
Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I actually hadn't read the text on it before. I'm going to put it on Flickr with more of a caption and tag it "feministing" so it'll show up there and I can see if any feminist bloggers have an opinion on it!
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