Monday, December 03, 2007

Post-Thanksgiving consumption

If you hadn't already noticed, I had a great Thanksgiving. I found out later that people I knew went to that school that Friday, just after the workers left. But I took a break from exploration for a more "normal" pursuit: shopping. I admit I've done a poor job over the years observing "Buy Nothing Day" the day after Thanksgiving, I mean, that's the day the best bargains are! Even worse, I never buy gifts on "Black Friday," just stuff I want. I also admit that once in my life I got up to be at a store before it opened--Target, and probably 6 a.m. Target hasn't done "doorbusters" (Friday morning only) sales in years but other stores are pushing it back to as early as 4 a.m. (and some places are open on Thanksgiving).

Anyway...I hit a couple electronics stores, then decided I could endure one mall downtown, the one whose name I get wrong, but it's got Nordstrom in it, and more importantly, the Sanrio and Lego stores (all I visited). Took a few photos, but this is the kind of place where I probably would get stopped by security for doing so (hours and hours in abandoned buildings, no problem). I headed south on Michigan and finally ate at the restaurant at the Essex Inn--I hadn't realized for a while it had a "family restaurant"-type place. Like all the ones downtown, it's overpriced, and I was one of the only customers, but hey, I've got a list of these places and I've got to cross 'em off.

Walking to Target, spotted some random art and found messages. First, "Overcoming Uncertainty":

No one on Flickr commented on or identified this. Advertising campaign? Columbia student's art? This kind of pretentious cuteness makes me hate art, and love. For a few minutes anyway.

Heh. There was also one about Anthony Abbate. Google them if you don't know what this is about. Now, I'm not saying two wrongs make a right, but...I'll leave that sentence unfinished...

I actually bought nothing at Target. I went back north and braved the Borders cafe crowds to get a fancy cider drink (no coffee...still no coffee...) and got to Daley Plaza about a minute before the tree lighting ceremony. I'd seen it once or twice before, but I forgot about the fireworks. This was the best shot I could get.

I went back to the Nordstrom mall and bought my holiday gift to myself--a Lego advent calendar. I loved advent calendars as a kid and I've had a few as an adult (mostly chocolate ones). And finally, one for architecture/infrastructure-obsessed nerds! Today I got a construction worker! Of course, if I want to do anything with all these little Lego bits, I'll have to buy lots more Lego! And I don't want to be sucked into yet more consumption!

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