Tuesday, January 05, 2010


I worry that my year of barely posting has scared away the friends and followers I had--people blogrolling or commenting or "following" on Blogger (I could do that thing where I post the box with their images, but right now the number is so low, compared to the number I'M following, that it's just embarrassing). Of course, people might have other reasons for not being around here. Anyway, if you hadn't noticed (I tried to go a few posts without self-conscious stuff about how much I was or wasn't posting), I've been posting much more lately, enough that I feel I have to post something hours before I go on a trip, so that I won't go a whole week without anything new. I've changed nearly everything about how City of Destiny is designed and organized (it's easier than I'd realized. I think everything seems to run easier on Blogger now). Maybe a longer post about that later. And hopefully by mid-January, my 2009 year in review (of things I did). Welcome back! Feel free to comment, I'm getting tired of various forms of spam here (I guess listing something in your profile means people spam you about it). Why, I've even started/returned to commenting on some of YOUR blogs...

The image was found in the file cabinet of $3 photos at Grayland Station, a transportation collectibles store in Chicago. It's a favorite, and posted to my secondary Flickr account (mod as hell).


M Reed said...

Really enjoy the blog. Look forward to every update. Keep it going!

The Urbanophile said...

The beauty of subscribing is that it doesn't matter how often you post - it just shows up in my reader. As long as your RSS feed doesn't change, we're golden.

Anonymous said...

another vote for RSS feeds. If you post, I'll most likely read it, no matter the lag time between the last post.

Also, I've found that blogs (I've had one for nearly 10 years now) are maintained easier if you don't think too much or too deeply about it. First drafts, in other words, instead of meticulously crafted 17th drafts.

Well, that works for me anyway. If any single post becomes too embarrassing in retrospect, I delete it, or else bury it beneath other posts.

k of c said...

Thanks all! Yes, I'm aware of RSS feeds...although I'm embarrassed to say I never subscribed to any myself until a couple months ago--part of the reason I haven't kept up with other people's blogs, since I tended to read many of them only when I signed in here.

I went ahead and subscribed to every blog I have blogrolled plus some I de-blogrolled because they seemed inactive (I might add them back if they start again).

Swanksalot, good advice. I should have just been doing short posts all along rather than wait for perfect long posts. But I won't beat myself up about that now, since I kept my Flickr account very active all year--at least I did something!