...will be described shortly. I just needed to make some reference to it on the off chance that anyone reading Jason Pettus' site links to this one and only sees old/unrelated posts. He hasn't posted his report yet, but did tell a very interesting story I hadn't yet heard about a guy making furniture out of FedEx boxes, and getting in trouble with FedEx.
Anyway, for anyone who happened to read my months-ago post on my goals/dreams as a writer (that I now think of as "112 Easy Steps to Modest Literary Fame"), several developments since my Portland trip (which itself constititued a few of the steps):
1) the aforementioned Quimby's event (the first literary event I've assembled and hosted)
2) my first hostile response to my current literary endeavors (I mean, what I've started in the past couple years)--well, I only read a little of the email, but what jumped out seemed hostile, and you can bet I'll post a response here (the person seemed to misinterpret me politically, and I didn't feel personally hurt by it)
3) an invitation--and this was before the Quimby's thing (but as far as I know, hasn't been rescinded after it)--to curate/host a reading series at a fairly new, all-ages space...
More on all those later. I'm in a hurry now to go retrieve the poster I left in the Quimby's window, return library books to Des Plaines (which, if you know anything about me or my projects, is the "real" City of Destiny), and hopefully check out the Park Ridge library and Panera store for the first time (it's good to have ambitions in life).
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